A Warrior’s Journey to Peace and Purpose
By Terese Schlachter
With Colonel Gregory D. Gadson (Ret.)
On a black, cloudless May night in the Iraqi desert, a carefully concealed IED explodes beneath the Humvee where Lieutenant Colonel Greg Gadson is riding shotgun, hurtling him into a life he never expected or wanted. The robust 6-foot-tall, up-and-coming military officer and former West Point football player suddenly finds himself a 148-pound man, with no legs and only one functional arm.
...the Rest of the Story.
...riding shotgun, hurtling him into a life he never expected or wanted. The robust 6-foot-tall, up-and-coming military officer and former West Point football player suddenly finds himself a 148-pound man, with no legs and only one functional arm.
Where he once maneuvered to defeat a clever and mostly unseen enemy in war, he now wages a constant and ever-changing battle to recover both physically and emotionally. He is overwhelmed with despair, drowning in fear of the unknown, at times even contemplating ending his own life.
It’s his faith, the love of his steadfast wife and devoted children, along with the closely woven brotherhood of his former West Point teammates which provide him the lifelines necessary to come to grips with his new persona. He learns that he can not only be the husband and father he wants to be, but also provide motivation to others, as he becomes a driving force behind the New York Giants stunning 2008 Super Bowl victory.
Gadson’s awe-inspiring accomplishments take readers everywhere from the blast-worn medical tents of Baghdad to the sparkling ski slopes of Vail, Colorado and even behind the scenes of the movie Battleship, where he took on a major acting role, all while remaining on active duty in the Army.
Colonel Greg Gadson shares his story of recovery in hopes it will bring comfort and inspiration to anyone coping with loss or struggle and provide them with their own waypoints through their own journey to peace.
Meet the Authors of Finding Way Points

Terese Schlachter
Terese is Chief Story Teller at Ridgeback Communications, which specializes in video production, and good old fashioned, well-written sentences. Prior to anointing herself Chief of RC, she was an Emmy-winning documentary producer for the Department of Defense. Before that, she covered politics and other mayhem for NBC News in Washington. She lives in “The Shady Side” of Maryland, enjoying views of South Creek along with her husband and two beautiful and sassy …wait for it … Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs.

Colonel Gregory Gadson, (Ret.)
Colonel Gregory Gadson, (Ret.) was grievously wounded in an IED attack in Iraq in 2007 while he and his unit were returning from a service for two fallen soldiers. He subsequently lost both legs and severely injured his right arm, and, in the course of his rehabilitation and recovery, he became a source of inspiration and motivation for other war-wounded at the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Due to his longtime connection with West Point as a football player there, and his friendship with the coach of the then-struggling NY Giants in 2007, Gadson soon became a motivational co-coach and spiritual guide, helping the team go from nearly last place to Superbowl Champions in 2008. Gadson subsequently starred in a major Hollywood movie, "Battleship", and has been an admired motivational speaker and coach for numerous organizations both civilian and military, for several years now. An avid outdoorsman and enthusiast of skiing, cycling, and deep-sea fishing, he has led numerous adventure-travel expeditions for wounded veterans. In his honor, in October, 2022, the new veterans center at Wayne State University was named the Colonel Gregory Gadson Office of Military and Veterans Academic Excellence. When not traveling around the country as a motivational speaker, Gadson enjoys time at home in Alexandria, VA with his wife, children and grandchildren, and continues to pursue his acting career and his love of photography.

Terese first met Colonel Gadson when covering the new veteran's facility at the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center in 2007. Terese became his fast friend and confidante during his painful recovery and rehabilitation. Inspired by his remarkable story, Terese was compelled to chronicle it in a book, a testament to his enduring spirit.